R2013b - 2014a Priorities
R2013b - 2014a Priorities
Steven Hughes
Joel Parker
Owned by Steven Hughes
High Level Overview of Early R2013b/R2014a work
This wiki is for high level guidance/planning for early stages of work for R2013b/R2014a. Overall, the business model and roadmap process will be used to determine long term feature development areas. However, that work will not be complete until mid/late summer. In the meantime, we will work blockers for GSFC flight projects and ACE ops cert.
ACE Operational Certification
- Code 500 Ephemeris output
- Force Model parameters
- ACE coordinate system
- Vector hold file reader ( and possible a general file reader )
- Formatted output that contains tab and space delimited columns and user defined precision and spacing
KARI Partnership Features
- Orbit state representations
- Attitude models
- Flux file readers
Navigation Functionality
- DSN Range measurement models
- DSN Doppler measurement models
Blocker Features for GSFC Missions
- Event location, Event location, Event location
- MAVEN Mars Gramm Density modelling and targeting
- JWST stationkeeping and SRP modelling
- OSIRIS launch window and survey modelling
- Korean Lunar Mission
- GMAT Functions
Areas for Refactorizations/Clean Up
- Finish reworking web infrastructure (we're paying for 2 servers)
- Finish CMake build system
- Build/test process improvements (e.g. Bamboo/Jenkins, group control, dedicated machines...)
- Parameter/Field dichotomy
- Decoupling architectural components
- Error and warning messages
- Command mode/assignment mode
- Ephemeris File