

PartnerDateAccomplishment and Impact

Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)

Fall 2012-Present

Accomplishments: Began collaborative development effort with the Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI).   KARI is contributing engineers and students to GMAT development and co-developing GMAT with NASA. KARI is writing new orbit and attitude models, and will begin work on low thrust optimization with GSFC soon.   KARI president has asked that GMAT be used as the primary tool for the Korean Lunar Mission. 

Impact:  Demonstration of open source international collaboration between space agencies. 

ESA/Open Source Contribution


Accomplishments:  ESA advanced concepts team obtained GMAT via open source interfaces and prototyped low thrust optimization using orthogonal collocation.  This contribution also prototyped 2 new optimizers for GMAT.

Impact:  Significant development from an external contributor for key strategic technology not available in any other GSFC tool.  GSFC has been provided the rights to use this code for further development of low thrust optimization and has submitted an IRAD proposal to continue this work.

Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)


Accomplishments:  Worked with AFRL to begin implementation of navigation features in GMAT.  This included design of architectural components, estimators, measurement models, and hardware models.   AFRL also contributed significant improvements to GMAT’s 3-D graphics.

Impact:   Significant resources were provided from an external organization in both FTE and procurement.  Demonstrated GMAT can perform orbit estimation without change to the design making it a strong candidate for selected areas in replacing GTDS.  Demonstrated that external organization can participate in GMAT development.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)


Accomplishments:  JPL  funded implementation of SPICE components in GMAT for reading and writing SPICE orbit kernels and reading SPICE attitude kernels.

Impact:   Significant procurement and FTE resources were provided from an external organization for development of key GMAT component.