

Overview and Location of GMAT Software Packages

The GMAT ecosystem contains a number of software packages and libraries.  The core system is distributed on Windows, Linux, and Mac in executable\application files.  The Collocation Stand Alone Library and Toolkit (CSALT) library, while using some low level GMAT utilities, can be run independent of GMAT and is distributed in a separate library and is the foundation for the GMAT Optimal Control subsystem.  Finally, source code and data files are packaged separately.  The sections below describe how to obtain these data.

Windows, Mac, and Linux Executables\Applications

Executable\Application files for all public releases are available on SourceForge in the Files page.  Files are stored in folders by release name.  The table below describes the naming convention for executable\application files by operating system:

Operating System

Executable\Application File Name Conventions

Windows zip file


Mac Bundle


Linux Bundles



Collocation Stand Alone Library and Toolkit (CSALT) Files

CSALT solves the generic optimal control problem, supporting dynamics, Lagrange form of the cost function, path, and boundary constraints and can be used independent of GMAT to solve low and high thrust optimization problems, 6-DOF optimization, classical optimal control problems, low-thrust, formation and constellation, and re-entry problems. CSALT is distributed with a limited set of models but includes about 20 industry standard test problems. In general, when using CSALT, the user must provide models of dynamics, cost, and constraint functions.

The CSALT Source code is available at SourceForge Files Page (first version was included in R2020A).   The source and data is distributed in files for each release using the name convention:


Source Code

If you use Mac or Linux, or if you just want the latest code, you can choose to build GMAT yourself. Our public code is hosted in a Git repository on SourceForge:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/gmat/git gmat-git

See Development for compiling instructions.

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