

Obtaining the Source Code and Data Files

GMAT source code and data approved for public release is distributed in several ways.  Code and data bundles are distributed in the SourceForge Files folder for each release.  Files for a release are located in a folder named after the Release; R2020A for example.  Source code bundles are distributed using the naming convention:


The data required to run GMAT is distributed for each release using the name convention:


A file containing source and data is distributed for each release using the name convention:


Additionally, source code can be obtained via the public Git repo:

git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/gmat/git gmat-git

Compiling GMAT

Compiling GMAT is configured via a set of Python scripts to configure dependencies, and Cmake files to manage the build process and compile the code.   See the Compilation Instructions for complete details.

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