Announcing GMAT R2016a

Announcing GMAT R2016a

The GMAT development team is pleased to announce the release of GMAT version R2016a.  The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) is the world’s only enterprise, multi-mission, open source software system for space mission design, optimization, and navigation. The system supports missions in flight regimes ranging from low Earth orbit to lunar, libration point, and deep space missions. GMAT is developed by a team of NASA, private industry, public, and private contributors and is used for real-world mission support, engineering studies, as a tool for education, and public engagement.

For a complete list of new features, compatibility changes, and bug fixes, see the Release Notes.  Below are just some of the new capabilities contained in this release. 

  • Production quality orbit determination (operational certification expected Nov 2016)
  • Code 500 ephemeris propagator
  • STK ephemeris file output
  • Write command to save GMAT configurations during execution
  • Include macro to load GMAT configurations from external sources during execution
  • Many new built in math functions and parameters
  • 130 pages of new user documentation

To download, visit our SourceForge download page.

This is a one-time announcement. For further information, please visit our wiki: http://gmatcentral.org

To receive future announcements, please subscribe to the project mailing list: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/gmat-info

NOTE:  Source code for R2016a is currently available in a tar file here.  Once an issue with SourceForge is resolved, we will update the Git repo with the latest code.

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