Announcing GMAT training, June 30, 2014
The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) team is pleased to announce that we are holding our introductory "GMAT Fundamentals" training course at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, on June 30.
This training will cover an introduction to the GMAT project, key features, mission examples, current status, and a series of guided introductory tutorials covering simple propagation, orbit transfers, B-plane targeting, finite burn targeting, and multiple-shooting optimization. GMAT is a general-purpose trajectory simulation and design tool for desktop use, co-developed by NASA and commercial partners. You can find out more information at
This is a full 8-hour live course hosted at GSFC. The in-person portion is currently full, but we are happy to facilitate public attendees via web conferencing. Web attendees will be able to interactively participate in all portions of the training program.
If you are interested in this training, please contact Joel Parker at We will contact all respondents with further details.
Thank you,
Joel Parker
GMAT team