Git Administrative Tasks

Git Administrative Tasks

 Configuring Email Notifications

Email-notifications are managed in the post-receive Git-hook.  Our post-receive currently uses the default contributed post-receive-email shell script located at


on gs-mesajade.  This hook is wired up through a sympolic link in teh repository's "hooks" folder, set by the command

ln -s /usr/share/git-core/contrib/hooks/post-receive-email /home/GMAT/git/gmat.git/hooks/post-receive

The address for the mailings is set like this:

git config --add hooks.mailinglist "djc@thinksysinc.com"

and updated like this:

git config --replace-all hooks.mailinglist "djc@thinksysinc.com,linda.o.jun@nasa.gov,thomas.g.grubb@nasa.gov,wendy.c.shoan@nasa.gov,tuan.d.nguyen@nasa.gov"

The "sender" is left blank, but if we need to set it, that is done this way:

git config --add hooks.envelopesender "steven.p.hughes@nasa.gov"

Entries are removed like this:

git config --unset hooks.envelopesender

The project name is in the file "description" in the bare repository on mesa-jade.