This page describes some common tasks for maintaining the script test system.
Every test that is listed as failing should have a bug ID listed next to it, like so:
CbParams_Neptune1_2Body (script) [diff 0.000741045, tol 0.0001] [GMT-361]
In this example, the components are:
CbParams_Neptune1_2Body - test name
(script) - run mode (e.g. script, save, function)
[diff 0.000741045, tol 0.0001] - failure message
[diff 0.000741045, tol 0.0001]
[GMT-361] - bug ID
If a test is failing and does not have a bug ID associated with it, add it with the tcfile utility:
>> tcfile('Cases', {'casename'}, 'AddBugs', {'GMT-####'});
You can add multiple bugs or multiple cases this way:
>> tcfile('Cases', {'case1', 'case2', 'case3'}, 'AddBugs', {'GMT-####', 'GMT-####'});
If a test is passing and still has a bug ID associated with it, the test will appear in the Test System Warnings section. These tests need to be untagged:
>> tcfile('Cases', {'casename'}, 'RemoveBugs', {'GMT-####'});
You can remove multiple bugs from multiple cases this way:
>> tcfile('Cases', {'case1', 'case2', 'case3'}, 'RemoveBugs', {'GMT-####', 'GMT-####'});