Create the build tree in builduser's Documents folder.
There is no need to create the Gmat3rdParty\pcre folder; these are not used in the nightly build.
The contents of the Gmat3rdParty\f2c folder are located in GmatDevelopment\build\windows-VS2010\ Extract this file to the proper location. (needed by Jazz plugins)
Use the svn:// protocol instead of https:// to check out the SourceForge repository (builduser should not be committing to the repo).
Set up the plugins:
Check out the internal plugin repository into the GmatPlugins directory created in the previous step. You will need your NDC login credentials. Make sure you save your login information. You'll need to update your credentials whenever you change your NDC password. The repository URL is:
Open MATLAB (32-bit or 64-bit to match the build type) and run: mex -setup
Choose Microsoft SDK 7.1.
In Visual C++, open GmatDevelopment\build\windows-VS2010\GmatVS2010.sln, right-click libFminconOptimizer, and click Properties.
Open Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories.
In Include Directories, change the first path to point to <MATLAB>\extern\include on your system. Make sure it is path to the correct MATLAB platform (32-bit or 64-bit).
In Library Directories, change the first path to point to <MATLAB>\extern\lib\win32\microsoft.
Open Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General.
In Additional Include Directories, change the first path to point to <MATLAB>\extern\include.
Perform identical steps as libFminconOptimizer.
Mount \\mesa-file\595\GMAT as drive Y: using your NDC login credentials and save them. You'll need to reset these whenever you change your password.
Configure the build script:
In GmatDevelopment\build\windows-VS2010\GmatBuild.cmd, change the path to MSYS at the top.
In GmatDevelopment\build\windows-VS2010\Makefile, change these lines:
GMAT_HOME: point to directory containing build tree (GmatDevelopment, GmatPlugins, etc.)
Run GmatDevelopment\build\windows-VS2010\GmatBuild.cmd to create a build.