- Organize tickets into two lists (each sorted by component)
- Bugs:
- Improvements/Tasks/Other:
- Make a First Pass
- If a ticket almost certainly needs to be addressed, mark it as P1 (i.e. we would slip a release if not completed)
- If there is almost no way we will do a ticket or it is simply too low value mark it as Someday or consider closing it as Won't Fix. (This helps keep backlog focused on the best ideas)
- If neither of the first two bullets above apply mark the ticket as P2 and label as below to help in second pass
- Polish (cleans up rough edges in existing product)
- Incremental improvement (small change to improve existing product)
- Bug (no need to label as this is handled in JIRA ticket type
- Make Second Pass
- Select a doable amount of highest value P2 issues in each area
- Polish
- Incremental
- Bug
- Move all others tickets to Someday
- Select a doable amount of highest value P2 issues in each area