Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Bundle source code
DJC* (tick)
  1. Export the trunk code from svn that is used for the release build when that build is started
  2. Wait for a go/nogo call from testing on the build
  3. Archive the following folder trees into a zip file: src, plugins, build
Bundle data
DJC* (tick)
  1. Use the same export as used for the source bundle
  2. Wait for a go/nogo call from testing on the build
  3. Archive the following folder tree into a zip file: application/data
Upload source bundle to SourceForgeSPH (tick)
  1. Move the zip file to SF
  2. Mark as "staged"
  3. Download the upload and check it
Upload data bundle to SourceForgeSPH (tick)
  1. Move the zip file to SF
  2. Mark as "staged"
  3. Download the upload and check it
Upload Windows installer to SourceForgeSPH (tick)Download, install, and run after uploading.
Upload Windows zip to SourceForgeSPH (tick)Download and run after uploading.
Post README.rst.txt on SourceForgeSPH Update for new release
Upload docs to documentation siteSPH 
  1. Upload using SSH to
  2. Update HTML with new section
  3. Move "latest" pointer to new folder


Post internal & public release files to MESA networkSPH (tick) 

Branch and tag repositories

DJC At least tag the test system; consider branching also if the burden on the repo is low.
Make SourceForge repository backupSPH 

Follow SourceForge's instructions.

Perform the backup on the Linode server and download the resultant .zip file, since the local network blocks rsync.


  1. Log into gs580w-gmat-t4 as "gsfc580gmattest". The credentials are on the network drive, in the Infrastructure folder.
  2. [RC1 only] Start Task Scheduler and disable the "Run Script Test" task. You'll need to run the RC tests manually.
  3. Uninstall all previous versions of GMAT.
  4. Install the version being tested.
    1. Check "Enable MATLAB interface".
    2. Leave "Associate file types" unchecked.
  5. Update the test system repo (located at C:\Users\gsfc580gmattest\Documents\GmatTest)
  6. In MATLAB (64-bit):
    1. Run:
      >> cd C:\Users\gsfc580gmattest\Documents\GmatTest\bin
    2. Run (replace # with RC number and <config> with "internal" or "public"):
      >> diary('..\log\R2015a-rc#-<config>.log')
    3. Run (this command copies application files such as SPICE kernels needed for regression tests into the new installation of GMAT):
      >> preparegmat('C:\Path\To\GMAT')
    4. In C:\Users\testuser\Documents\GmatTest\bin, copy the appropriate template (autorundef.R2015aInternal.template.m or autorundef.R2015aPublic.template.m) to a new name (such as autorundef.R2015aRc1Internal.m) and fill in the values:
      1. RunDef.Build: "R2015a-rc#-<config>"
      2. RunDef.GmatExe: path to installed GMAT.exe
      3. RunDef.RegressionBuild: last build date if testing RC1 (look in GmatTest\output for latest folder, such as 2013-07-31), otherwise, "R2015a-rc#-<config>"
    5. Run:
      >> gmattest <name of rundef.m> (e.g. autorundef.R2015aRc1Internal.m) 
    6. Wait until run completes (usually 8+ hours)
    7. Run:
      >> diary('off')
  7. In a Windows cmd window, post results to network using robocopy:
    >robocopy "C:\Users\gsfc580gmattest\Documents\GmatTest\output\R2015a-rc#-<config>" "\\mesa-file\595\GMAT\TestResults\win7\R2015a-rc#-<config>" /E /MT /LOG:%TEMP%\robocopy.txt

Updating SourceForge HTML docs page

The Sourceforge page for logging in is here:

I (SPH) used Filezilla and this was pretty straightforward once succesfully logging in:

Hostname is



File Updating

  1. Add a new folder for the release under the gmat\htdocs\docs folder
  2. Update contents of the new release folder with files from new release
  3. Update the gmat\htdocs\docs\index.html to include new folder and to point to the new latest folder.

Image Added