Versions Compared


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Comment: updated test procedures


  1. Create the build
    1. Log into gs580w-gmat-t4 as "gs580w-gmat-t4\builduser". The credentials are on the network drive, in the Infrastructure folder.
    2. Start Task Scheduler.
    3. [RC1 only] Disable the "GMAT Daily Build" task, so it doesn't run automatically during the RC cycle (this can make things overly confusing).
    4. Manually run the "GMAT Daily Build" task.
  2. Create the bundles
    1. On your local system, navigate to SourceForge\trunk\build\install\windows-nsis. There's a README.txt file there that explains things.
    2. Open a MinGW Shell in this directory.
    3. Run "make VERSION=R2013bR2014a-rc#", where "#" is the number of the RC you're creating. This will create four packages in the current directory: A .zip and a .exe file for both the internal and public versions.
    4. Copy the four package files to the network: \\mesa-file\595\GMAT\Builds\windows\VS2010_build
    5. To clean everything up afterwards, run "make clean".
  3. Run the script test system on the internal installer package. See Running the script test system, below.


  1. Log into gs580w-gmat-t4 as "gs580w-gmat-t4\testuser". The credentials are on the network drive, in the Infrastructure folder.
  2. [RC1 only] Start Task Scheduler and disable the "Run Script Test" task. You'll need to run the RC tests manually.
  3. Uninstall all previous versions of GMAT.
  4. Install the version being tested.
    1. Check "Enable MATLAB interface".
    2. Leave "Associate file types" unchecked.
  5. Update the test system repo (located at C:\Users\testuser\Documents\GmatTest)
  6. In MATLAB (64-bit):
    1. Run:
      >> cd C:\Users\testuser\Documents\GmatTest\bin
    2. Run (replace # with RC number and <config> with "internal" or "public"):
      >> diary('..\log\R2013bR2014a-rc#-<config>.log')
    3. Run (this command copies application files such as SPICE kernels needed for regression tests into the new installation of GMAT):
      >> preparegmat('C:\Path\To\GMAT')
    4. In C:\Users\testuser\Documents\GmatTest\bin, copy the appropriate template (autorundef.R2013bInternalR2014aInternal.template.m or autorundef.R2013bPublicR2014aPublic.template.m) to a new name (such as autorundef.R2013bInternalRC1R2014aInternalRC1.template.m) and fill in the values:
      1. RunDef.Build: "R2013bR2014a-rc#-<config>"
      2. RunDef.GmatExe: path to installed GMAT.exe
      3. RunDef.RegressionBuild: last build date if testing RC1 (look in GmatTest\output for latest folder, such as 2013-07-31), otherwise, "R2013bR2014a-rc#-<config>"
    5. Run:
      >> gmattest <name of rundef.m> (e.g. autorundef.R2013bRc1InternalR2014aRc1Internal.m) 
    6. Wait until run completes (usually 8+ hours)
    7. Run:
      >> diary('off')
  7. In a Windows cmd window, post results to network using robocopy:
    >robocopy "C:\Users\testuser\Documents\GmatTest\output\R2013bR2014a-rc#-<config>" "\\mesa-file\595\GMAT\TestResults\win7\R2013bR2014a-rc#-<config>" /E /MT /LOG:%TEMP%\robocopy.txt
